Driving Gender Equality In Aviation


Statistic show. EU women are 5% more than men. The higher number of women in the EU is due to the longer life expectancy and the lower mortality rate of women in general. These trends have persisted over the past 2016. There are 105 women in the EU per 100 men. I gone write more about one of the positions in the aviation where the ratios between genders is so unequal. Only 5.18% of the pilots in frequent air carriers are women, which calls for international association for international pilots British Airways Airlines are also can praise on 4.77% of women who have choose this, considered a men’s profession.In Norway and Germany are not much lower, but fair are the proponents of Nоrwеіgаn, KLM and Lufthаnѕа respectively.

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If we have 5% more women in EU and why we do not have more 5% pilots in EU ? Instead we have around 5% female pilots. And how we can fight with this problem? Indian airlines have the most women like 12.4 percent. In the air carrier Zoom Air, from Asian countries of 30 pilots, 9 women. This is one of the most equivalent ratios. Indian companies have come to India with most ladies in India with about 14 percent and IndiaGo with over 12 percent. Last year, Reuters reported on the gender gap in aviation, quoting British Aviation Minister Liz Sug:’We really have a long way to go before these barriers disappear completely. There are major gender issues in aviation and outer space. But the problem is not only in the British, as Statista surveys shared by Forbes show a worldwide trend for aviation to be a male-dominated industry. According to the chart (which details the employment levels in 2018 of the largest Western carriers), United and Lufthansa were in the same position with 7.4% and 7% of female pilots, respectively. Virgin begin new project with Barbie called “Dream Gap” Aiming to attract more women to aviation. Virgin introduced her own Barbie dolls – intelligent, career-oriented female role models so that all girls can to see them fly. The airline gave us a timely reminder that life is not just about luxury and transatlantic travel. The UK carrier partnered with Barbie, a classic female icon, to encourage more girls to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects and ultimately choose aviation as a career. Virgin together with Barbie have now pilots, engineers and flight attendants, all of whom show a variety of ethnicities and body types, in line with changes in the Barbie line in recent years. Phil Maher, Vice President of Operations at Virgin, commented on the initiative, saying: „It is essential that Virgin plays a key role in encouraging women to succeed in STEM careers. Obviously, for those women who become pilots and engineers, career satisfaction is extremely high, and it’s no surprise. It is very important for us to show girls of all ages how satisfying a career in our industry can be, and our partnership with Barbie is just one of the steps we take to achieve this. ‘Virgin says Barbie dolls – pilot and Barbie – stewardess will be available on-board Virgin flights later this year and that the doll engineer will be released in 2020. The Euro Commission actively encourages aviation sector stakeholders to take concrete action on the ‘Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change ‘ initiative with a view to improving working and employment conditions for attracting and retaining women as Air Force crews.


How we saw some Indian companies, Virgin and Barbie I and the EU Commission are in the right way the politics also see it is a problem and work on it. Work in the air transport sector continues to be prestigious for both men and women. The gender balance in aviation is better than in other modes of transport. In the air transport sector, women make up 40% of the workforce. EU air transport accounts for 437,000 direct employees (193,000 women and 244,000 men). However, while a large proportion of cabin crew are women, female pilots are only about 5% worldwide. Promoting gender equality and work-life balance is gone be long process but, in the end, I hope we gone see a lot of braver women to help us. Like those brave women: Elly Beinhorn (1907-2007), Amelia Earhart (1897-1937), Amelie Beese (1886-1925 г.), Harriet Quimby (1875-1912) , Hanna Reitsch (1912-1979), Marga von Etzdorf(1907-1933), Marina Raskova (1912-1943), Jacqueline Cochran (1906-1980), Jacquelin Oriol (1917-2000), Beryl Markham (1902-1986) and the last is the first stewardess Ellen Church (1904-1965). How you can see the women are from the beginning after the brothers Right first flight in the aviation and they deserve to be inside it equal like us