If you need revisions, they will of course take additional time. Revisions are usually made within a few days to a week. They are on-top of our usual workload, so please be thoughtful about asking for them. If you can make minimal changes yourself, this is not deemed ‘in need of revisions’. Revisions should be substantive and require expertise and/or research. If you do not stick to these guidelines, we may not be able to offer revisions to your school or college essay or paper.
Requests for revisions without specific instructions will be ignored. We are more than happy to help you, and we aim to produce only high quality papers, but we cannot write without guidelines. You cannot cancel an order after it has been delivered, and payment will be required for what has been written for you unless you can prove that it is inappropriate or substandard. Of course, if this is the case we will refund you (see our money back warranty) and/or provide an updated and improved piece of writing.
If you would like your revisions to be undertaken by a new writer rather than the writer who wrote your essay originally, please get in touch through our contact form. We are happy to work with you to make sure you are satisfied with your Essays Writer Experience.