Offering Personal Statement Editing at Affordable Rates

Personal Statements are quite possibly the most important part of any college or university application. When a university gets thousands of applications per year, they have to narrow it down somewhat. They can’t just admit everyone who wants in, or else they’re bound to get overwhelmed.

A Resume, CV or Grade Sheet tells them what you can do and how well you can do it. But that isn’t the only thing universities are looking at. They want to admit well-rounded, talented, and passionate people who can become leaders in the future.

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That’s why your personal statement shines. Through the statement, you can emphasize who you are as a person rather than just being a list of skills and experiences. You can talk about your passion and goals in the future.

However, this also means that the competition moves from who has the best grades and experience to who has the best and most eloquently written personal letter.

This gives an undue advantage to people who are good at writing rather than people who have the necessary skills, passion, and drive to get into a competitive program. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy that.

One of those ways is to take advantage of personal statement editing services. If you are looking for such a service online, then you’ve come to the right place!

We have a great reputation for quality and speed. Our writers are among the best in the business. You can see our reviews and testimonials from former customers to get an idea of what kind of quality we offer.

Why Personal Statement Proofreading is Necessary

In any kind of field, some language proficiency is a must. But in most cases, you can work with decent English – it doesn’t have to be perfect.

That’s not the case with personal statements Even if you are not working in some kind of language-related field like linguistics or translation, they expect you to have perfect English. In fact, having any kind of weird phrasing or grammatical error in the personal statement is a huge black mark.

As mentioned, this gives a big advantage to those who have the spare time to improve their English, or were raised with it as a first language. It disadvantages those who stayed busy working or improving themselves in other directions.

Our personal statement editing service is the perfect way to resolve that problem! We will proofread and edit your personal statement so that is polished to the highest degree possible.

Looking for the Best Personal Statement Editing Service?

If you are looking for the best personal statement help, then you’ve come to the right place! Let us explain why that is.

  • Highly Skilled Writers
  • We only recruit the very best writers. In order to join us as a professional writer or editor, one must have a great academic track record to start with. They are put through several tests to test their writing skill and ability to detect various grammatical errors. Only the best get to join our ranks.

  • Academic Experience
  • As mentioned, our writers all have great track records. They have previous experience with writing academic papers and personal essays. They will definitely know how to improve your personal statement and make it optimal.

  • An Eye for Deadlines
  • We ensure that all our writers maintain deadlines accurately. We will always do our best to ensure you get the essay by the deadline.

  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Noticed an issue after we have completed it? Don’t worry, we offer unlimited revisions for a short period after your custom editing order is complete. Just let your assigned writer know what to change.

  • Low Prices

When you are applying for college or grad school using a personal essay, you will get bombarded with all kinds of fees – application fees, standardized test fees, fees for processing paperwork, and so on. We don’t want to add to that, so our fees for personal statement editing are always kept cheap and affordable.

We are One of the Top Personal Statement Proofreading Services

We also guarantee a few other things!

  1. Full Money Back on Refunds
  2. We don’t take any order fees or partial initial payment. We will reserve the full cost of the order from your credit card or account. If you want to cancel an order for any reason, simply let us know and we will refund the full amount, guaranteed.

  3. Complete Privacy
  4. We will never share your personal data with any third parties. Your info is safe with us. You can check our privacy policy to see how we enforce this.

  5. Security

We use the latest encryption technology in all parts of our website. Any personal or financial data you enter here is completely secure.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to write a personal statement first?
Is editing cheaper than writing from scratch?
What if there is a mistake left after editing?
Can you edit personal statements in any language?
What if I don’t like the changes my editor is making?

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