Establishment Of The 1947 Constitution Of Japan

This topic is based on the constitution of Japan which was established in 1947. Constitution is a principle of rights, benefits, liberty, Power and laws towards every nation in the world. The Constitution of japan was written by the General MacArthur after the world war 2 in February 1946 before that there was Meiji constitution. Macarthur announced Article 9 in the constitution that there will not be any further war. After this establishment of constitution of 1947 this law was established for people to got civil liberty and administration become more responsible for people rights safety and security. The powers of constitution of japan was not in the hands of government but after the new constitution is implemented it took a huge change over for changes in people and government rights but further more changes to the constitution can led to some destructive effect on political pillars.

The constitution of Japan was accomplished in May 1947. But in 2005, the dominant opinion was placed in front of the houses by the research commission and this opinion was about the review of constitution of Japan. Before 2005, the rules and regulation were followed as per written in the constitution of japan reported in 1947. Nobody tried to make any change in the laws of constitution whether some of the rules were controversial such as rejection of the war which included no war will be led by Japan provision. Therefore, there were two main reasons behind changes in the constitution of Japan. First reason is there were differences between Japan politics and international relations (Shuichi, 2010, p.406) secondly, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was the backbone of Japanese government after the world war 2 because economically japan was under huge destruction and due to Liberal Democratic Party contribution they were allowed to sign a security treaty which explains that their will be defence force from 1960s to 1990s between japan and united states. This treaty explains that their will be no war and japan will have only a defence force. It was considered that with eliminating military will help to a maintain good relations internationally and will lead to peaceful environment among everyone politically. (Shuichi, 2010, p.408). “At this time the JDA took pains not to propose any policies that could be criticized by opposition parties as infringing on Article Nine of the Constitution” (Shuichi, 2010, p.418) The article tells about that they do not want to propose any policies which may be criticized by the parties, but they can if they want because opposition parities are only for to criticize.

According to the Carl. F Goodman after world war II, Japan got a huge success in terms of recovery from land reforms, returning to their own country, low military forces and arms (Goodman, 2017, p.17) With the help of military shield Japan got enough to recover from world war destruction politically and economically. The main reason for the constitutional revision is Liberal Democratic Party but the changes in the fundamental rights and constitution was not in the way LDP is looking (Goodman, 2017, p.72). The problem was that the amendments refuse fundamental human rights, right to speak and express their views of particular argument (Goodman, 2017, p.73).

The major political issue of Japan that is due to changes in constitution and this problem is led by the Prime Minister of japan and his party. (Komamura,2017, p.76). The author explains the movement that was active after world war II under Japanese politics and Liberal democratic party took a risky step which can also harm the political structure of Japan. The main aim of the PM was constitution of Japan so that he can reconstruct the fundamental rules for land and vanishing the destructive history of post world war times (Komamura,2017 p.78). According to the PM Abe, he will achieve his goal of Japan’s independence and safe secure happy country and he drawn a different image of new Japan (Komamura,2017, p.78).

“Following the worldwide devastation and suffering brought on by World War II, there were calls internationally for human beings to utilize their intelligence to eliminate war before war eliminated human beings” Its was clearly mentioned in the article that if the Japanese country had their own military force and used for war with other countries then that will cause a major threat for the other disputes nations which led to a extinction of human beings one day instead of war (Creighton,2015, p. 125). “We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationships, and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world” its was explain that the Japanese people was in the favour of article 9, which predict that Japan did not had it own military force they can only have their self defence force which helps them in the civil issues and Japanese people was in the favour of that because they need peace and friendly behaviour of other countries with them so everyone can live in the world peacefully without any war or dirty politics (Creighton,2015,p.126).

As we know that every country has different rules ®ulations but it does not mean that the people cannot fulfill their own wishes in fact, it’s a independent country so everybody has their own requirements. According to the author “all people of the world have the right to live in peace free from fear and want” (Kingston,2014, p.118). The society wants a horrible position in the country and it all takes place by having peace and good relations.

At the end it can be concluded that world war had a great impact on Japan’s economical and physical structures and after helping and being a backbone of the government in such a harsh situation, Liberal Democratic party took advantage of Japan and tried to impose their fundamental rules which were useful to them or to their party. Before the constitution was revised nobody objected the ways it is working but after world war Japan has to face many consequences and due to the pressure of different aspects Japan had a thought to review the constitution of Japan for more better fundamental rules and for the betterment of the society. Even Japan was focusing on maintaining a good relationship with other countries.

Works cited

  • Creighton, M. (2015). Civil Society Volunteers Supporting Japan’s Constitution, Article 9 and Associated Peace, Diversity, and Post-3.11 Environmental Issues. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(1), 121. Retrieved from
  • Goodman, C. F. (2017). Contemplated Amendments to Japan’s 1947 Constitution: A Return to Iye, Kokutai and the Meiji State. Washington International Law Journal, 26(1), 17–74. Retrieved from
  • [bookmark: _Hlk24403423][bookmark: _Hlk25619282]Komamura, K. (2017). Constitution and Narrative in the Age of Crisis in Japanese Politics. Washington International Law Journal, (Issue 1), 75. Retrieved from
  • Kingston, J. (2014). Japan in transformation. 1945-2010 (2nd ed.). New York: Rutledge.
  • Shuichi, W. (2010). Article Nine of the Japanese Constitution and security policy: realism versus idealism in Japan since the Second World War. Japan Forum, 22(3/4), 405–431. Retrieved from