Malala And Her Fight For Change

Dreaming is a powerful imagination we come across in our daily lives either in the classroom or even across the globe. We are continuously dreaming about scenes that we wish can become a reality. On her 16th birthday, Malala Yousafzai had a dream that became a reality, and it was to promote education for every child in Pakistan. As both her speech at the United Nations and her interview with Diane Sawyer demonstrates that Yousafzai is a compelling figure because of her character, experience, and activism.

Malala’s story is one of inspiration, courage, and determination. For example, Yousafzai expresses her ambitions by saying, “The terrorists thought that they would change our aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear, and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage were born” (para. 13). Malala inspires the audience to open their eyes and not take education for granted. She is, undoubtedly, optimistic about the future of her society, not allowing any obstacles to impede the path of education. Not only does she put aside her negative emotions, but she also allows her responsibility to take over and accomplish her goals. Although Malala is a strong character, fear still arouses her when sleeping at night. For example, Malala believed it was best to place a knife under her pillow due to her uncertainty of the future, “I was feeling fear all the time at night when I used to sleep I was thinking that shall I put a knife under my pillow” (Malala/Sawyer interview 2013). Malala does not allow her “fear” to take over her purposes, revealing her as a powerful advocate. It is essential to grasp the steps of Malala so that we may also progress with our dreams and put aside fear. Malala shaped views on ethical responsibility not because of her actions, but because of the strength to which she held these convictions.

Yousafzai’s experiences have affected how she feels with her society. For example, Malala shares and recalls her experiences with the Taliban during her speech, “Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead” (para. 13). Yousafzai’s experience with the Taliban led her to become an advocate for education. The epidemic that she asserts is the denial of education to children, noticeably, females. Malala used her tragic past to gain sympathy from the women and children of her audience. For instance, the Taliban only attacked her because she was a female, and asserted that everyone should have the opportunity to obtain an education, “I am here to speak up for the right of education of every child. I want education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists especially the Taliban” (para. 14). Malala succeeds in creating emotions, persuading her audience by facts and evidence, justifying herself to be a reliable source. The forgiveness to her attackers and the ongoing pursuit of her goals is evidence of Malala’s identity as a female student in Pakistan defending the rights of all students. If she didn’t have time to fully comprehend morality she may not have forgiven her attacker or continued her advocacy.

Age did not refrain Malala from speaking up. For instance, her intentions for education caused a positive change around the globe, “And if we want to achieve our goal, then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness” (para. 24). Malala’s efforts to change her society led to huge influences on diverse communities. She undoubtedly, reveals the power of “unity and togetherness,” and how it can protect those suffering from oppression. Nonetheless, Yousafzai has won numerous awards in addition to her most recent Nobel Peace Prize. She did whatever she could to get her message out there. For instance, Malala’s impactful activism led to her to become an inspirational figure around the world, “So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty, and terrorism and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons” (para. 26). Yousafzai spoke with such passion and presenting such strong evidence that tempted others to go out and fight for the innocent girls and their right to an education. The world is primarily struggling from “poverty and terrorism,” and Malala profoundly demonstrated the amount of power education has against these situations.

Nevertheless, Malala’s story proves that anyone has the power to fight for change and freedom for people all over the world. As a young girl, she may have thought that there was nothing she can do, but even a small step led her message to become prominent on bigger platforms. Malala’s responsibility led her to advocate for equal educational opportunities for all children.