
The Reconstruction Of Global Governance

The international system has faced many changes especially after the end of the Cold War. We are more geographically connected than ever, technology plays a bigger role in our lives, and the econom... Read More>>

Discussion Of Whether Federalism Is A Better Form Of Governance Than Unitarism

Much ambiguity is attached with the debate over competence and efficiency of federal system and unitary system of governance. The question of which form of government is better suited for a democra... Read More>>

Global Governance: Harmonizing International Disconnect

The global governance notion seeks to examine gaps in the international system often regarding controversial matters and to engage participants in practical steps for collective problem-solving. Th... Read More>>

Factors Of Economic Growth In South Africa

In the world we live in today, it has become very clear and possible to detest the differences amongst the different countries whether it being due to, political, social and or economic variances. ... Read More>>

Reader Response To I Am Malala By Malala Yousafzai

 “I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban” Is a memoire written by Malala Yousafzai about her youth and experiences in terror-stricken Pakistan, and the da... Read More>>

The Life And Legacy Of Malala Yousafzai

Freedom is one of the most basic human urge from the moment of their birth. Freedom is one thing that characterizes the essence and existence of the man (Hor Victorson, 2018). Every individual has ... Read More>>

Using Public Transportation Can Decrease Co2 In The Atmosphere

Public transport is only not cheaper but its also getting fast day by day. “Thinking about your children’s future, then start traveling in public transport. Otherwise, you will be answerable to... Read More>>

Impact Of Gentrification On The Junction Neighbourhood

Introduction Gentrification is the process through which low-income central-city neighbourhoods experience investment and renewal accompanied by immigration of middle-class and upper-class resident... Read More>>

Strengths And Weaknesses Of The War On Drugs

The War on Drugs is an articulation used to suggest an organization drove movement that hopes to stop unlawful prescription use, assignment, and trade by extending and actualizing disciplines for t... Read More>>

How Bureaucracy Can Build A Sustainable Workforce

There are many new types of concepts and problems that have risen over the last 30 years. The emerging concepts are diversity and inclusion, sustainability and work decency. In which the employers,... Read More>>

Political Corruption: Practice And Prevention

Political life is dynamic, diverse and complex, and institutions are emerging and functioning here that are of fundamental importance for the political development of society, the state and the ind... Read More>>

Malala Yousafzai And Her Influence On The World

Malala Yousafzai was known as “the most prominent citizen” and a hero to many. Malala was a strong pakistanian advocate for girl’s education. Malala’s strong belief in female education has ... Read More>>

The Benefits And The Costs Of Gentrification

Gentrification occurs when low-income and dilapidated inner-city neighborhoods, which had previously been abandoned by the middle classes in favor of suburbs, are revitalized by an influx of capita... Read More>>

The Importance Of Bureaucracy And Sustainable Workforce In Business

The purpose of this essay is to gain an insight on following terms; bureaucracy and sustainable workforce and their importance in today’s business environment. Also, we get to evaluate the effect... Read More>>

The Problem Of Police Brutality In America

The topic of discussion is police brutality. This has been and continues to be a widespread and ongoing problem that faces our society today. As law enforcement officers, it is in their job descrip... Read More>>

George Washington: Leader In Business

A man amongst many strengths and weaknesses, George Washington’s journey through life has portrayed countless characteristics both inspiring and worthy of learning from. More specifically, Washin... Read More>>

Karl Marx And His Critical Theory

Global and national societies agree that there is a need for improvement in the social-economic system somehow yet they are also most often keen to dismiss and repudiate the ideologies of capitalis... Read More>>

Being An American: Patriotism On A Community Level

“Nothing in life is more liberating than to fight for a cause larger than yourself, something that encompasses you but is not defined by your existence alone.” This was stated by John McCain, i... Read More>>

The War On Drugs In Canada

Canada continues to be burdened with fighting the war on drugs. Substance abuse is quickly becoming a major problem to the country contributing to the large amount of health dollars being spent on ... Read More>>

Benefits Of Dictatorship As A Government System

Political leadership is one of the modern world’s most hotly contested topics, as it has been for much of human history. In the modern world, democracy certainly has seemed to trumped all other f... Read More>>

Causes And Consequences Of Syrian Civil War

Syria is a country in western Asia with a majority population of Arabs. It was originally ruled by France before it gained independence in 1946. 2 In the mid 1950s Al-Sarraj rose to prominence in t... Read More>>

Transgender Military Ban In America

Today biology appears to be taken lightly and it is often played with. In the US basic human biology is thought to be wrong because people’s feelings aren’t supported by the facts. Transgenderi... Read More>>

A Post-care For Ptsd Veterans: The Welfare Of Veterans

What is your trauma? It can be a war, violence or an accident that happened in your past. There are lots of people who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) for a long period of t... Read More>>

Community Policing In A Community-fearing Environment

Community policing is not a concept that is new. It has come and go, much like many other policies in the United States. It can be argued that community policing has been around since the birth of ... Read More>>

The Life And Career Of John F. Kennedy

“In particular, I think, captured the idealism, the ability to imagine and remake America to meets its ideals, in a way we haven’t seen before or since…And I don’t know of anyon... Read More>>

The Negative Sides Of President George Washington

President George Washington known as the United States of America founding father is a racist. Both George Washington and his wife Martha Washington owned many slaves. A woman named Betty was also ... Read More>>

A Critique Of South Africa’s Constitution

South Africa’s Constitution is not critical in laying the foundation for a diverse, democratic and free Rainbow Nation. Our constitution is the supreme law that provides the legal foundation for ... Read More>>

A Discussion Of Whether Government Surveillance Is Appropriate

The detail of global surveillance disclosures leaked by Edward Snowden casts doubts on the ethics of government surveillance. The abuse of surveillance will lead to the loss of personal privacy, af... Read More>>

The Real Meaning Of Patriotism

Patriotism “Patriotism” is a word that has received a lot of good and bad publicity lately however it is all in the definition of the word, what it means to be patriotic. Some people will argue... Read More>>

A Controversial Topic Of Police Brutality

There are two sides to every story and most of the time, we know which side we cling to. When the topic of police brutality arises, there is without a doubt a debate about to brew. One side of the ... Read More>>

Psychobiography Analysis Of Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump was born in Queens, New York in 1946, to real estate developer Frederick Trump and Mary Anne MacLeod. He is the 45th and current President of the United States of America since Janu... Read More>>

South Korea And Minimum Wage

This article is about South Koreas job market which in November 2018 may have improved, but not for menial laborers who suffers from the largest job loss in the recent 5 years. Mainly due to govern... Read More>>

The Role Of Mandatory Military Service In The Nation’s Security

Introduction   Mandatory military service is also known as ‘conscription” refers to the people enlistment into the armed forces by force according to a particular nation’s policy (Duind... Read More>>

The Need To Raise Minimum Wage In The United States

The United States is dividing into two Americas: one in which the wealthy become wealthier and feed off of capitalism, while in the other middle and lower classes work longer hours with lower pay a... Read More>>

The Struggles Of Veterans After Service 

Ever since the American Revolution, our service men in uniform have protected us from both foreign and domestic threats. They put their lives on the line, and many gave them, so we can live happy i... Read More>>

Dictatorship And Forms Of Government

Introduction ‘Dictatorship’ originated from a Latin word ‘tyrant’ which means a ruler who is unconstrained by the law. In this way, autocracy is a type of an administration ... Read More>>

Unintended Consequences Of Government Surveillance

Government Surveillance is the act of monitoring incredulous behaviors and activities for the sole use of influencing, managing, directing, and protecting people. In today’s society, the governme... Read More>>

John F. Kennedy: Remembering The Pt-109

John F Kennedy: Remembering the PT-109 When asked as to how he became a war hero during the infamous destruction of the PT-109, John F. Kennedy simply replied, “It was involuntary. They sank my b... Read More>>

Challenges To The Right To Privacy In The Digital Age: The Apple Vs Fbi Case

In the last few decades, the technological realm experienced a growth never experienced before elsewhere. This led to many developments and changes in the life of people. With the spread of smartph... Read More>>

Street-level Bureaucracy – A Problem In Public Management

Since most public policies are delivered by frontline servants, a central topic of discussion is how stated plans translate into real life actions. The fact that the performance of street-level bur... Read More>>

Government Surveillance In A Digital Era

In an ever growing technological era, people encounter different types of technology in a myriad of ways. From cell phones, to emails, to social media, people use the internet in many ways leaving ... Read More>>

A Report On John F. Kennedy And His Impact On The Us

One of John F Kennedy quotes we must use time as a tool, not a couch. John F Kennedy was an important figure that had a positive impact in history because he was the first Catholic president so tha... Read More>>

Why I Want To Be A Police Officer

Have you ever wondered what you want to be in the future? There are many good professions in the world, one of them is police officer. I would like to learn and work in a police office. Why did thi... Read More>>

Rhetorical Analysis On John F. Kennedy’s Civil Rights Address

Racism has been around since eight-hundred BC (Beard). Even after President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863, racism in the United States was still obscurely prominent. Civil rights were be... Read More>>

Thomas Jefferson – A Hypocrite And A Racist

Personally, I think that Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite and a racist. Some people disagree with me and think that he was a good guy. The reason I think that he is a hypocrite is because he wrote ... Read More>>

Theodore Roosevelt Was Born A Diplomat

Theodore Roosevelt was born brilliant, wealthy and very sickly. His intellect, wealth and even his illnesses would create a background that allowed Theodore Roosevelt, II to rise to greatness. Theo... Read More>>

Comparison Of The Fbi Approach Of Offender’s Profiling And The Actuarial Approach

Profiling, a term we often hear relating to analyzing an individual’s psychological and behavioral characteristics in order to help police work to link crimes, focusing on the investigation and b... Read More>>

Recruitmen And Retention Of Catholic Chaplains In The Air Force

Stephen. L, in his article, “Trying to grow everywhere”, expressed an understanding of the problem the Air Force is facing regarding recruitment and retention of Airmen particular Catholic Prie... Read More>>

Analysis Of John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address

To begin with, the speech President Kennedy gave on January 20, 1961, was such a memorable moment. Kennedy knew how he wanted this speech to go, so he made it clear and short. He began working on t... Read More>>

Failed War On Drugs In American History

America’s history with drugs can be traced back to the 1800’s when opium surged in popularity following the American Civil War. Drugs were an integral part of American life with heroin being us... Read More>>

Malala And Her Fight For Change

Dreaming is a powerful imagination we come across in our daily lives either in the classroom or even across the globe. We are continuously dreaming about scenes that we wish can become a reality. O... Read More>>

Making Sense Of Community In The United States Air Force

Loneliness is a subjective feeling of powerful social disconnection or emotional isolation. As such, it is possible to be lonely in a crowd. Indeed, someone might have many friends or even be marri... Read More>>

The Problem Of Police Brutality In The Us

The rise in police brutality has drastically increased on police issues. These problems have been commonly posed by illegal police power, which becomes a problem for the African American race or cl... Read More>>

The Life And Legacy Of Theodore Roosevelt

The life of our 26th President of the United States was a very fun filled life. Theodore life started when he was a sickly child to a physically strong and determined leader of our country. Theodor... Read More>>

The Fbi: Introduction Of It And System Centralization

Critical Facts The FBI trying to modernize their system, but due to their age-old custom and culture, their efforts and money went in vain. FBI was using the physical filing system from the day it ... Read More>>

Reagan And The New Right Conservatives

Regan achieved the purpose of the Right Conservation. One was the economy, and the other was the new right conservative’s foreign policy. The new rights from the late 1970s into early 1980s. Amer... Read More>>

The Insufficiency Of Affordable Care Act

Medical coverage inclusion has extended essentially since the usage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) inclusion arrangements in 2014, however it is assessed that around 32 million individuals, or 12... Read More>>

Convergence Among The European Union States

Introduction On December 1991, the Maastricht Treaty (officially the Treaty on European Union) was passed and initiated at the 46th of the European Community in Maastricht, Netherlands after two da... Read More>>

The Impact Of Innovative Technologies On Aviation Industry

Through its short history, Aviation has come a long way. This paper highlights the events and technological advancements that contributed towards its development, beginning back to its birth when i... Read More>>

The Issue Of Police Brutality In African American Music

INTRODUCTION Racism in America has been going on since its discovery, especially against the minorities that live within it. It is a common theme in musicians to use their platform to challenge rac... Read More>>

Us Foreign Policy During Trump Era

Two years into U.S. President Donald Trump’s residency, there is as yet endemic perplexity about what, precisely, his U.S. foreign policy is. Numerous pundits accuse this disarray for the pre... Read More>>

How Theodore Roosevelt Transformed The Us Presidency

This investigation will examine the research question: “How did Theodore Roosevelt transform the presidency?” The book, Presidents from Theodore Roosevelt through Coolidge, 1901-1929: debating ... Read More>>

Barack Obama Versus Donald Trump

In the 2014 Address to the Nation, a steady leader once insisted, “My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.” The 44th president, Barac... Read More>>

The Link Between Racism And Police Brutality 

America is irreparably tainted by the original sin of slavery. While it yearns to be recognised as a post-racial society, racism consumes every aspect of a person of colour’s existence, and yet i... Read More>>

Globalization And The Syrian War

Globalization has generated new technologies that have allowed brave individuals to document the inhumane suffering endured by Syrians at the hands of their own government, opposition militias, rel... Read More>>

Aerospace Engineering Through The Air Force

 When determining what direction to take as an aspiring aerospace engineer, most view the primary two alternatives as paintings through the Air Force and via private groups. In order to make a pre... Read More>>

Ethos, Logos, And Pathos In The Declaration Of Independence

In “The Declaration of Independence” Thomas Jefferson calls for the separation of the American colonists from the grips of an abusive and tyrannical England. He makes his position clear to the ... Read More>>

Analysis Of Spielberg’s Historical Biography Of Abraham Lincoln As Propaganda

Prolific Director Steven Spielberg’s Historical Biography of Abraham Lincoln, ‘Lincoln’ explores the turbulent last few months of his life when he is trying to pass the thirteenth amendment t... Read More>>

Gun Control And The Mass Shooting Epidemic In America

Let’s imagine, for a moment, that nationwide gun restriction laws were put in place. Weapons of home defense would be banned. Nobody would be able to defend themselves against armed intruders. Th... Read More>>

Fbi And Its Techniques Throughout History

Through trial and error the United States of America has created principles intended to serve and protect its citizens. One of these principles is based on the belief that the government should not... Read More>>

Critical Assessment Of United Kingdom’s Exit From European Union

The European Union (EU) was established in 1993 and is an alliance of currently 28 European countries which have joined together to form an economic community, with common monetary, political, and ... Read More>>

The Problem Of Police Malpractice

Law Enforcement is one of the most difficult and rewarding occupations out there. Millions of hard-working men and women risk their lives every day to serve and protect those in their communities. ... Read More>>

Racism And The War On Drugs

Since the 19th century there has been a connection between racism and drug prohibition. With the end the civil war and the passage of the 13th Amendment the south feared that they had lost a steady... Read More>>

The Evolvement Of Democracy And Its Features

Democracy is the control of a State by members of its population either directly or through elected representatives via periodic free and fair elections. Simply put, “Democracy is the government ... Read More>>

The Influence Of Foreign Aid On Africa

There has always been a moral imperative for developed nations and humanitarian organizations to get involved in crisis situations that affect the lives of people. This is seen how the world collec... Read More>>

The Problem With The War On Drugs In America

This paper explores every reason that the American War on Drugs has been ineffective. The war has not benefited any individuals, has overcrowded prisons and has wasted billions of American tax-paye... Read More>>

I Am Malala – A Young Girl’s Strength Of Will

It is well known and upsetting that still in this century there is gender equality and a lot of people who can be judgemental. The memoir, “I Am Malala,” is compelling because the author, Malal... Read More>>

Foreign Aid: Why An Increase Would Be Detrimental

Foreign aid from the United States is a very controversial topic in today’s world. There are many advantages to foreign aid, however there are many disadvantages as well. Some of these disadvanta... Read More>>

Comparison Of Raegan’s And Kennedy’s Inaugural Addresses

One who wants to be a respectable president must announce their true intentions for helping the country and society, which is generally called an inaugural speech. Usually the intended audience is ... Read More>>

The Link Between Race And Gentrification

Since Gentrification has been coined as a term in 1964 by Ruth Glass, it has meant various meanings. In today’s terms, this is a damaging process that occurs in western cities and begun in other ... Read More>>

The Influence Of George Wasington On America

There can be an argument made that George Washington is potentially the most influential person in the entire history of the United States. His name is all over our country’s history and in many ... Read More>>

The Economic Impact Of European Union Integration

Introduction Has the European Union had a positive economic effect on its member states? Would they have better benefitted by not joining and continuing to make their own Trade Agreement separately... Read More>>

Establishment Of The 1947 Constitution Of Japan

This topic is based on the constitution of Japan which was established in 1947. Constitution is a principle of rights, benefits, liberty, Power and laws towards every nation in the world. The Const... Read More>>

Analysis Of The Rationalization Of Bureaucracy

McDonaldization is the development of rationalization. It is the concept that was developed by a sociologist by the name of George Ritzer. The term also refers to the certain kind of rationalizatio... Read More>>

The Debate Of Gun Control In The 21st Century

Guns: a fundamental right or a killing machine? The debate for gun control has been an ongoing tug of war that seems to have no end. Every year, thousands of people are murdered due to guns, accord... Read More>>

The Unintended Consequences Of Raising Minimum Wage

Introduction In economics, the ‘first law of demand’ teaches that as the fee of something increases, humans have a tendency to purchase less, and when the price falls, humans tend to pu... Read More>>

Race, Multiraciality, And Barack Obama

Running for political office, never mind the highest office in the land, creates an opportunity for any candidates to be placed under rigorous scrutiny. That what might once be considered miniscule... Read More>>

Hypocritical Nature Of The Declaration Of Independence

The Declaration of Independence states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”(qtd. Jefferson). Women in this time did not have all of these equal righ... Read More>>

An Element Of Racism In Us Police Brutality

Police Brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality is assisting with the extinction of the black population. Some would say it... Read More>>

Cause And Effect Analysis Of Donald Trump’s Presidency

Much was promised during the US election campaign of 2016, which has had a major impact on the entire globe. Since Donald J. Trump rose to the presidency as the 45th President of America, the globe... Read More>>

The Reasons Of The Collapse Of Communism

Communism collapsed for a number of reasons. Everyday items that we use every use today and see as a want rather than a need, are items that they don’t have access to or they are hardly ever avai... Read More>>

The Role Of Theodore Roosevelt In The Development Of America’s Foreign Policies

The intention of the paper is to find out the role and responsibilities of Theodore Roosevelt in the development of America’s foreign policies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. ... Read More>>

Overview Of The Reagan Election Of 1980

Ronald Reagan started off as an average American that no one knew. Eventually over the years, he became someone that everyone knew very fondly of. Reagan emerged to become not only the face of the ... Read More>>

Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963. His assassination rattled the country. A few months prior, he had proposed a civil rights legislation that would outlaw discrimination based on race, ... Read More>>

Fbi Surveillance Of Martin Luther King In Selma

The film Selma depicts Martin Luther King Jr’s efforts to secure equal voting rights for blacks. Black people received the right to vote in 1870 after the ratification of the 15th amendment, howe... Read More>>

The Major Events Leading To Russian Communism

There are several types of governments throughout the world. Democracies, Monarchies, Republics, Oligarchies. Nonetheless, they do not compare to Russian Communism. Communism is a theory that belie... Read More>>

Opposing Ideologies Of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson’s name is found in every history book. Thomas Jefferson was a confusing man, one that historians sometimes struggle to understand. Some historians describe Jefferson as being two... Read More>>

Discussion Of Whether Public Transport Should Be Free

Imagine a world where everyone, everywhere could get around their country without the hassle of tickets or the worry of not having enough money to travel to their jobs. Wouldn’t you want to live ... Read More>>

Analysis Of Barack Obama’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract This paper will take a brief look at what organizational behavior is and why it is necessary. Following this, focus will be placed on former president Barack Obama’s organizational behav... Read More>>

Donald J. Trump – Resilient In The Midst Of Opposition

Standing for truth in the midst of adversity is difficult, but will always result in triumph. The image that reporters of the news portray of President Donald Trump is usually inaccurate and negati... Read More>>